Tuesday, November 6

Microsoft says goodbye to the social

AdAge has a piece profiling the "180" Microsoft made in marketing the Zune; many have already seen this year's far less, shall we say, esoteric ads, but few (including us) realized the new hardware's marketing onslaught was the result of Microsoft's doubling -- even quadrupling -- its Zune ad budget, switching advertising firms (which resulted in those trippy Flash sites), and, oh yeah, killing off "the social". Sorry obsessive Zune guy, we hate to be the bearers of bad news but the truth can be hidden no longer. "You make it you" is officially confirmed as the new brand tagline and the ever-so-slightly-less-grammatically-correct "Welcome to the social" is deader than a WiFi-shared song after three plays. So now that we don't have to worry about the ever-lingering peer pressure to get social, does that mean we can loosen up a little and start to proudly love our still-virginal Zunes just as they are?

[Via PaidContent]

source: Engadget

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