Wednesday, December 19

Due to some problems...

This blog will be suspended for an indefinite period

Sunday, December 9

CompUSA Throws in the Towel, Sells to a Liquidator

While the rumor has been floating around all week, the Wall Street Journal reports CompUSA has been sold to a liquidation firm, effectively putting the company out of business. The move is largely based on declining sales, with the company speculated to only do $1.5 billion in sales this year (compared to $4 billion last year). While it will be open through the holidays, the company is actively working to sell and/or close its 103 retail stores. Can you say clearance deals? [WSJ]

Newspaper Brick Maker Transforms Funnies into Yule Logs


The Newspaper Brick Maker is the perfect device to add a little eco friendly to your pyro transgressions. You fill the brick maker with wet pieces of newspaper. The brick maker (and a bit of your muscle, were sure) smashes out the liquid while smashing together the paper. Allow the brick to dry and, at long last, you have a decent excuse to watch Garfield pay for his cinematic sins. And for $29.98, it's a legitimately a neat gift and perfect for that neighbor who is always asking to take those fallen branches off your hands. I have a fire pit, too, asshole! And mine is copper. [product via dvice]

Darth Vader Wii, Please Don't Buy it Now for $15,000

The Star Wars Vader Edition Wii is pretty hot. While we could honestly do without the Star Wars theme in our living rooms (at least while company visits), the black finish and corresponding red LED gives us visions of just how good a touch of the dark side could be for the Nintendo Wii. Screw cute, family friendly pastels. We want coal, blood and steel. And we want it to spew raw meat for our ingestion. Oh, and it'd be nice if it didn't cost $15,000.

To be fair, that's just the "buy it now" price...which maybe for this one listing should be renamed "I think Star Wars fans are both geeky AND stupid and/or I wanted to get good publicity" price. But you could (and will) end up snagging it for far less since there's no reserve. It also includes Wii Play ($10 value) and they've gone through the trouble of painting not one but two Wiimotes and nunchuks "Vader" black ($14,740 value). Well in that case, here's my Paypal. [ebay via technabob]

Saturday, December 8

TomTom ONE XL Will Get You To Grandmas in a Timely Manner this Year


In case you don't remember where your family lives this holiday season, you could ask for a TomTom ONE XL. This device has a gigantic 4.3-inch LCD screen. It also obviously includes TomTom's mapping software, that is a personal favorite of mine. Slap one of these on your windshield and you will be one heck of a hip and trendy driver and be able to find your way around, easily. It is available for $250. [Product Page]