NEW YORK (AP) -- The Rockefeller Center Christmas tree is going "greener" -- with energy-saving lights replacing old-fashioned bulbs on the towering evergreen this year.
NEW YORK (AP) -- The Rockefeller Center Christmas tree is going "greener" -- with energy-saving lights replacing old-fashioned bulbs on the towering evergreen this year.
The privately-funded Rip Saw was first built by the Howe brothers for the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge. Though the Rip Saw didn't win, its video certainly turned some heads, enough to find funding to build more than one. I normally don't get too excited about military shit like this, but any machine that can obliterate an wood shack with ease and turn donuts on snow wins my heart. Check out the 2005 teaser vid to see what i mean. [Howe and Howe via Red Ferret via Geekologie]
Ok, we're number one, so give us a competitor.
Wired: Continue reading "Bling! Gold Plated iPhone Hits UK" »
So the thought of sitting all day every day in an apparatus that forces me to expend energy in order to provide power to my lifeline to the outside world and device by which I earn money for food, shelter, and clothing is intriguing to me.
Such is the "pedal-powered laptop" being developed by a group of MIT students. I live near MIT and every time I’m over near the campus, I like to look at all the people and try to figure out who’s legitimately an insane homeless person and who’s a genius that’s been working on a project like this and hasn’t slept or showered in a week. If you’re one of the latter, nice work!
The students "predicted that a bicyclist should be able to produce up to 75 watts continuously–far more than the 30 watts needed to power the laptop."
Students get charge out of pedal power [MIT News]
Source: CrunchGear
But anyone who's done a little experimentation with infrared photography knows there's plenty of fun to be had if you drop that prejudice in favor of the visible part of the light spectrum
Zeiss announces infrared-optimized lenses [Adorama]
Source: Wired
...the 'melody road', can be seen above and the grooves are between 6 and 12mm apart: the narrower the interval, the higher the pitch. these stretches of road, each playing a different tune, can currently be found in 3 places in japan - hokkaido, wakayama and gunma - with the optimum musical speed being a depressingly slow 28mph
RIM earlier settled out of court with Samsung over similar charges relating to its BlackJack wireless thingie.
Motorola reportedly is reconsidering its plans for the new Red Currant and Tangelo models.
RIM sues LG over phone names [Globe and Mail]
Source: Wired
Inventia care pare ceva din filmele SF, foloseste polymeri si feroxizi care devin vizibili la o anumita intensitate. Fara un flux de intensitate, masina revine la culoarea de baza, adica alba. Cei de la Nissan spera ca aceasta tehnologie va fii disponibila pentru productia in masa pana in 2010.
Oare ce va urma in continuare? Night rider, si alte masini care faceau tot felul de chestii in filme se pare ca vor deveni din ce in ce mai reale. Eu unul astept cu nerabdare sa vad toate lucrurile care se vor putea inventa.defaults write
command away, and Volker Weber has got it sorted for us. Just pop open a terminal window and enter:
defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
You can get the install directly on your N95 by going to in the phone's browser. I have no clue if this works on other devices, or if it works with a Bluetooth GPS unit. Anyone care to test and report back?
Watch this space, also, as I'll be doing a side-by-side comparison vs. Nokia Maps and should have that up next week sometime.
sursa: Symbian-Guru
"The basic technology is not that difficult...we inserted two small piezo sensor pads under the screen and engineered in a 0.1mm movement in the screen itself. What's taken the time has been fine tuning the movement and response to mimic exactly the sensation of pressing a real key."As mentioned, the new system needs fine tuning to get everything spot on, but the guys over at Red Ferret gave it a try as it stands currently. Here's what they said:
" was hard to remember that you were using a touchscreen keyboard."That assertion makes our hairs stand on end. If true, the implications are seriously vast. The Nokia S60 shall be the first device to support the technology under its hood, but it is unknown when it shall be released. We wait patiently, with our legs crossed and our hearts longing. Oh Nokia, will thou teach the torches to burn bright? We hope so. [Red Ferret]
You won't be sitting in swinging and swaying benches on this baby. Each one of its 48 cars is like a gondola, air-conditioned and holding 40 passengers, for a total of 1920 stomachs pressed against the top of their abdominal cavities as the big wheel keeps on turnin'. Nobody's talking about how long it'll take to load this beast. Too bad there was so much bickering over the design of the gigantic wheel, because originally the plan was to complete construction in time for next summer's Beijing Olympics. [MSNBC, via Spluch]
The Dream looks like the iPhone, and is 5-inches long, 3-inches wide, touch-sensitive, swivels, and hides a full-sized QWERTY keyboard below. It also switches to landscape mode when it's tilted. On the software side, it's got Google's own YouTube, plus email, text editing, and a virtual machine for handling the browser. HTC's even considering developing a real version of this reference design in the same second half of 2008 that they're going to be releasing their Open Handset Platform phones. [Forbes]