Wednesday, December 19
Sunday, December 9
CompUSA Throws in the Towel, Sells to a Liquidator
Newspaper Brick Maker Transforms Funnies into Yule Logs
The Newspaper Brick Maker is the perfect device to add a little eco friendly to your pyro transgressions. You fill the brick maker with wet pieces of newspaper. The brick maker (and a bit of your muscle, were sure) smashes out the liquid while smashing together the paper. Allow the brick to dry and, at long last, you have a decent excuse to watch Garfield pay for his cinematic sins. And for $29.98, it's a legitimately a neat gift and perfect for that neighbor who is always asking to take those fallen branches off your hands. I have a fire pit, too, asshole! And mine is copper. [product via dvice]
Darth Vader Wii, Please Don't Buy it Now for $15,000
To be fair, that's just the "buy it now" price...which maybe for this one listing should be renamed "I think Star Wars fans are both geeky AND stupid and/or I wanted to get good publicity" price. But you could (and will) end up snagging it for far less since there's no reserve. It also includes Wii Play ($10 value) and they've gone through the trouble of painting not one but two Wiimotes and nunchuks "Vader" black ($14,740 value). Well in that case, here's my Paypal. [ebay via technabob]
Saturday, December 8
TomTom ONE XL Will Get You To Grandmas in a Timely Manner this Year
In case you don't remember where your family lives this holiday season, you could ask for a TomTom ONE XL. This device has a gigantic 4.3-inch LCD screen. It also obviously includes TomTom's mapping software, that is a personal favorite of mine. Slap one of these on your windshield and you will be one heck of a hip and trendy driver and be able to find your way around, easily. It is available for $250. [Product Page]